As we strolled down Cozumel’s main commercial
drag, I took this photo of the Sun. Here you can get
an idea of the Sun’s length. According to Norwegian’s
published figures, the Sun stretches 853 feet and weighs
77,104 tons. Compare the Sun’s size to the size
of Royal Caribbean’s Voyager Of The Seas. Voyager’s length
is 1020 feet and her weight is 144,000 tons. Also, Voyager’s
beam measures 157.5 feet and the Sun’s beam measures
108 feet. So Voyager is 167 feet longer, 49.5 feet wider,
and weighs twice as much.
Inside Cozumel’s famous watering hole, Carlos’n
Charlie’s, there’s a large pillar covered
with license plates from around the world. There’s
even a license plate from our home state of Georgia. You
can walk into Carlos’n Charlie’s and eat your
weight in popcorn for free. Of course, quenching the resulting
thirst is anything but free.
At thirty feet in the air and adjacent to moving
traffic, there was a local worker painting a post while standing
on a twelve-inch-wide board. There were no safety devices in
place. If this fellow were to slip, he’d either be killed
or seriously injured. Obviously, his employer isn’t worried
about a potential lawsuit. I can’t imagine being able
to take this same photo in the US.
I realize that I've already used this photo,
but I wanted to close with it, anyway. On the way back to the
ship, I snapped this postcard-perfect shot of the Sun,
pier, and welcome sign.
Once we returned the ship, we felt as though the party were
over. It was a two-day cruise back to Miami, the port at which
we’d assume the tedious tasks of getting back home and
to everyday life.