Jaddie & Becky Do The Western Caribbean Masthead
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Mexican Frigate 1

I wondered if there was some sort of security risk when we docked in Cozumel because there was a Mexican frigate, pictured above, on patrol near the pier.

Mexican Frigate 2

Here’s another Mexican frigate docked in Cozumel. As far as I know, we were docked at the only cruise-ship pier in Cozumel. It’s a little scarry in a post-September 11 world to see such vessels so close to the ship.

Becky Under Cozumel Welcome Sign

Visiting a ton of small shops is the activité du jour in Cozumel. The Mexican port authority has the pier structured so that the only way to only way to access the streets of Cozumel is to ascend an escalator and walk through a gift shop. Once you get through the gift shop and walk through a small street mall, you’re then on the streets where there must be more than a thousand little shops. Pictured above is Becky standing under Cozumel’s welcome sign as we made our way to the shopping district.

The Norwegian Sun Docked In Cozumel

From the same point where the previous photo was taken, I took this photo of the Sun. Notice the beautiful turquoise water. Our stateroom was one deck beneath the lifeboats and on the other side of the ship. Our window was probably thirteen or fourteen windows from the rear of the ship.