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Helen Braswell, Jaddie’s Daddy’s sister (57K)
Vanus, Helen’s husband (69K)
Amy Sherwood, Helen’s sister (57K)
Theodore, Amy & Don’s friend (30K)
Ralph, Helen’s brother (55K)
Linda Pass, Ralph’s daughter (43K)
Gail Dodd & daughter Amy. Gail was married to the late Douglas Dodd,
Helen’s brother. (52K)
Nell Maddox, Helen’s daughter (60K)
Carey Maddox, Nell’s husband (51K)
Janice Maddox, Helen’s daughter (59K)
Ted, Janice’s husband (40K)
Janice & her two grandchildren, Allen Michael (left) and Tyler (65K)
Janice and son Josh (50K)
Shirley, Helen’s daughter, with son Michael (70K)
From left to right: Matt’s girlfriend, Matt (Nell’s son),
Jody (Helen’s son), Jody’s wife (86K)
Kim, Nell’s daughter (45K)
April, Nell’s daughter, with new baby (36K)
Charles, April’s husband (56K)
Charlene, Shirley’s daughter with fiancé Kevin Smith (61K)
Terri, Janice’s daughter. Pictured with children Allen Michael
(on left) and Tyler (behind). (83K)
April’s son gets to tell Santa what he wants for Christmas. (66K)
Jessica, April’s daughter (56K)
Princess, owner of Helen and Vanus (26K)
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me to let me know. Also, where no name is given, please email me to
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This page was created on October 6, 2000 and was last modified
on October 7, 2000.